Saturday, July 9, 2011

Best of the old stories series

Since this blog has been around since, oh, 2004, we have literally hundreds of posts and funny stories. Here's a funny one.

Hubby Hates the Cold

Since he gets up very early, he has the job of taking everyone out for their morning constitutionals and feeding everyone breakfast. In the early morning winter hours, it's often bitter cold. Usually he takes two dogs out at a time. One particularly frigid morning, I guess he figured he would get it over with in one trip. So he leashes up 4 dogs, including big Keeway and heads out into the snow covered back yard. In his slippers and pajamas mind you, with just a sweater on. Now Keeway, like most Labradors, takes great care in finding the absolutely perfect place to do his business. This involves a complete investigation of the whole yard to find JUST the right spot. So I look out the window and see Hubby being dragged around the yard in his slippers by Keeway with 3 other confused dogs on leash.

Now I can't read lips, but it wasn't hard to guess what he was saying to Keeway. Finally Keeway finds the perfect spot and settles in. Now, one of the other dogs finds a perfect spot and pulls Hubby's arm in completely the other direction. He's now doing his version of the Swedish gymnast split, when the third dog finds her perfect spot - behind him. Down he goes, right into the figid snow. Lip reading isn't even needed now, I can hear him. ARRRHHGGGG! He looks like one very unhappy snowman! He's covered with snow, jumping up and down to brush the snow off himself and, to his credit, waiting for the last dog to do his business.

I hear him coming in the front door and he is NOT happy. But I can't resist, I yell down from upstairs in my sweetest voice - "Honey, don't forget to take the dogs out." Since we're a family blog, I can't print his response.