Saturday, July 21, 2012

“Hard Choices”

I’m borrowing that title from my dear friend Vicki Croke, the former animal beat writer for the Boston Globe and now world famous author, film maker and all around wonderful person. Years ago Vicki wrote an article by that title where she shared her personal experience of letting her dog go to Rainbow Bridge after a brutal fight with cancer. It was one of the most read articles ever published by the Boston Globe. 

Today, one of my clients made that hard choice. When you’ve been in this business as long as I have, you grow to love the dogs you have the privilege of caring for. As my dear clients know, I am truly passionate about my work (I still find it very hard to describe what I do as “work”). I know the searing heartache of losing a beautiful, loving dog to disease or old age. It seems so unfair that these amazing, loving creatures, our perfect companions, who give us unconditional love and somehow manage to take over our lives, our homes and yet are only with us for a fleeting moment in time. 

But they do, they are and we love them all the more for it.  Letting go is the hardest choice every dog owner has to make. Personally, I find solace knowing that someday, at a place called Rainbow Bridge, I will be reunited with all my dogs. 

I’ll see you there Miss K.