Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mr. Rex visits Keeway's Comfy Kennel

Mr. Rex is a big, beautiful Golden Retriever and a regular guest here at Ye Olde Comfy Kennel. He has been here so many times, he actually has his own spot on the couch. Rex is a little older, but he still has a playful, mischievous puppy attitude. He's also right up there with Keeway in terms of being scary smart. Like Keeway, he considers human commands to be more like guidelines - to be followed eventually and at his convenience. He has also figured out some very clever (and histerically funny) ways to communicate with humans. For instance, Rex can say "I don't feel like getting in the car right now" by laying down on his back with all four paws in the air - and pretending to be unable to move. He gives you a look that says "I really would love to go with you, but suddenly, I can't seem to get my legs to work - sorry!" This leads to some pretty funny conversations, as in "OK Rex, what do you want to do?" Since Rex understands English he'll pretty much tell you. For instance, if he feels like going for a walk around the block, he will stand up, pick up his leash with his mouth and hand it to you. If he feels like taking a nap, he'll pick up his leash and head right for the front door. What he won't do is get in the car. Unless he changes his mind, in which case he will get in the car. When we get to the park, Rex also rules. He loves to swim and he loves to play with other dogs. So saying something as silly as "Hey Rex boy, come on, it's time to go" causes Rex's ears to stop working. Again, the look. "I would love to do whatever it is you're yelling about, but suddenly, I can't hear a word you're saying - sorry!" If for some reason, it really is time to go, you have to walk back to where Rex is engaged in water sports, put his leash on and start walking him back to the car. Now he'll look at you with those beautiful Golden Retriever eyes and say "Oh, you want to get in the car, why didn't you just say so?" Right about then, Rex will say "Here, let me help you with that leash." He then grabs the leash out of your hands and runs back to the water - where his ears mysteriously stop working again. By now we have a few fellow dog owners who are helping us by laughing hysterically, which is really not helping our full blown case of the giggles. Rex, of course, will eventually join the pack in heading back to the car. Whether he wants to actually get in the car is an entirely different blog post. But you get the idea.