OK, I know I promised this would not be a "picture blog." However, the Nikon D-60 is like no camera I've ever seen. You can just fire away, pop, pop, pop and it takes a picture in about 2 seconds. Have I mentioned that the hubby is a bit of a gadget freak? He now fancies himself the next Wegman. The only similarity, of course, is that Kenny has taken a couple of pictures of Billy the Weimeraner. That's where the similarity ends.
Now he's talking about buying a high-end video camera. OHHHH, Robert Redford, Clint Eastwood watch your backs, there's a new filmaker in town, look out!
OK, here's some cute pictures.....

Oh man! I know that smell.....it's....it's STEAK!!!!!

I like the view from up here!

I may be small, but I am very fierce!