Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Tail of Floyd, the Lab puppy, who decided he was not leaving, ever, under any circumstances!

Every once in a while, we have to bring back some of the funniest blog posts. And this is the funniest of them all. Enjoy!

A few years ago, during the Christmas holiday week, we had an adorable chocolate Lab puppy named Floyd. Floyd really lucked out that week because we had another Lab puppy staying with us too. She was exactly the same age as Floyd. So he had another Lab puppy to play with from dawn till dusk. She slept at the foot of our bed and Floyd slept in our bed. As soon as we stirred, Floyd would do his best sneaky Labrador crawl to the end of the bed, make sure the little female pup was still asleep, then leap in the air and pounce on her. Boom! Off to the races! She pretty much fell for this trick all week, much to Floyd's delight. Floyd would then dash out of the bedroom with the little black lab puppy in hot pursuit. She would generally catch him by about the time he got to the living room and give him a good thrashing, as far as puppy thrashings go. Which obviously is not much, but enormous fun nonetheless.

On top of all this fun, we had a ton of snow that week. Which meant we could all go play on the golf course at Fresh Pond. Floyd had never, ever, seen snow (he was born in the early summer) but boy did he love it. He dove into snow banks, figured out how to slide down hills on his tummy and just had a rip roaring good time for a couple of hours every day. Floyd was a remarkably smart puppy with an amazing disposition. Labradors are smart, but little Floyd was a regular Albert Einstein! He saw kids sliding down hills on their little sleds and such, and Floyd figured out that if you got a running start, why a puppy could get a fun ride down the hill too! Floyd was scary smart. And he LOVED snow! That week we had several feet of it, so Floyd was in puppy heaven!

When his owner came to pick him up, he put Floyd's leash on and started heading for the door. This is where it starts to get really funny. Floyd planted all four paws and pulled backwards as hard as he could. His owner chuckled and said "Well, I guess Floyd had a really good time here." As he pulled Floyd closer to the door, Floyd spread himself sideways, front paws on one side of the door, back paws on the other. Floyd made it very clear that he had no intention of leaving, in fact, Floyd was NOT leaving!

After his owner got him past the door, Floyd used the same technique with the railings of the stairs. Kenny and I are now in full blown hysterics, even his owner is laughing. He finally has to pick Floyd up and carry him down the stairs.

But it's not over yet. As he's dragging Floyd to the car, Floyd is using every trick in the book to get out of his collar, which we can see from the front door is starting to work. Just as his owner gets him to his car, Floyd slips the collar! Zing -Floyd comes flying back up the stairs and starts pounding on the door. By now we're laughing so hard we can't even talk and Floyd's owner has to carry Floyd all the way down the stairs and all the way to the car. And Floyd is putting up a mighty fight, wiggling like crazy trying to get out of his owner's arms. Brian, his owner, is having trouble because he is laughing so hard he can barely carry Floyd.

Floyd came back stayed with us one more time before his owner Brian moved out to California. The second time Brian just scooped up Floyd and carried him all the way to the car. Unfortunately for Brian, he forgot to close all the windows in the car. So as he came back to get Floyd's food and toys, Floyd jumped out the window and shot past him and back into our house. Fortunately, Brian has a great sense of humor, because Kenny and I were in complete stitches and were of no help whatsoever.

We love it when our guests are excited to come to our house, but Floyd was the only dog who who was truly adamant about NOT LEAVING!