Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Dog Conga Line Game (Best of the Old Posts Series)

OK, this one was pretty funny, hysterical actually. It started out with Nellie and Skipper playing with a tug toy. Then it turned into a general rassling match. Then one of them decided to change the game to a chase game, one lap around the couch but instead of going round and round on the couch (which is the way the game is usually played) Skipper shot straight up the stairs, once around the guest room and then zoom, down the stairs and around the couch again and back up the stairs. Now Shiloh's not much on tug games, but she loves chase games, so now we have three dogs zooming around the couch, up the stairs, around the bed and back down the stairs and around the couch again.

Finally, Big Benny decided this looked like fun and tried to join in. Unfortunately for Benny his timing was just slightly off. He headed up the stairs at the exact same moment that all three were coming down the stairs. That pretty much stopped the game as everyone sort of ended up all tangled up. No one got hurt, of course, but I think Benny was disappointed that the game was over before he got a chance to play.

I'm desperately trying to get pictures of this, but I'm laughing so hard I can't hold the camera steady.